5 drinks against constipation

Constipation occurs when there is infrequent bowel movement or difficulty expelling stool. The frequency is variable in each person and one can speak of constipation if there are less than three bowel movements per week, but are there any remedies for constipation?

However, experts say, constipation is difficult to define because it is a very subjective problem, with particular symptoms and discomforts.

Acute constipation, for example, can appear in any person at a time determined by situations that modify their normal habits, such as changes in diet, travel, the intake of certain medications, nervousness, or lack of transitory routine in the evacuation.

Even children are often victims of constipation; in Mexico, according to official figures, 40% of children under one year suffer it. Pregnancy is also a critical time and even with age, constipation tends to become chronic.


5 drinks against constipation

If you want to regulate your digestive system naturally, you should only include these remedies against constipation in your healthy habits:

1. Spinach. It has always been considered a very effective vegetable for the treatment of disorders of the digestive tract. Mix 100 milliliters of spinach juice with an equal amount of water and take it twice a day to control chronic constipation.

2. Juice of half a lemon Mixed in a glass of warm water, with a pinch of salt, it serves as an effective drink to deal with constipation problems.

3. Honey. Drink a solution of half a teaspoon of honey and half a cup of hot water three times a day.

4. Olive oil. A mixture of half a cup of olive oil and half a cup of orange juice is also an effective remedy for constipation.

5. Guava juice It can serve to help in the process of normal bowel evacuation.

Finally, a good tip that you can take into account to forget about constipation is to eat preferably raw vegetables every day, fruit with skin, vegetables and wholemeal bread. And you, what remedies against constipation put into practice.

Video Medicine: The 5 Best Drinks For Constipation (April 2024).