5 actions vs diabetes and cardiovascular diseases

At present, the diseases that most affect Mexicans are the Mellitus diabetes and the cardiovascular , due to lifestyle, pressures and poor eating habits that generate overweight .

Therefore, the Federal Health Secretariat (Ssa) recommends five simple actions to prevent or reduce these conditions:

1. Physical activity . With half an hour daily exercise constant is enough for a person leading a healthy life. It is advisable walk , run , swim , ride a bicycle and aerobics , among others.

2. No smoking. Get closer to clinics anti-smoking to help you stop this addiction, which is related to heart attacks , aneurysms , Various types of Cancer , pulmonary emphysema , pneumonia and low weight in newborns.

3. Reduce stress . Decrease the tension caused by your work, economic and family activities, allow you to have better relationships with people in your environment and feel happier. The stress it negatively influences your blood pressure and alter eating habits.

Exercise more and try alternative therapies such as yoga . Social networks can be a way to cultivate better relationships and relax.

4. Food . Eating well implies consuming what is necessary to satisfy you, in a balanced way and without a greater intake of calories . In addition, it complements a good diet drinking two liters of simple water a day, without flavorings. If you are focused on losing weight to reduce the risk of suffering obesity It is very important that you sleep at least eight hours a day.

5. Moderate alcohol consumption . A daily drink is the ideal measure to prevent some diseases and not cause others. Reduce the cholesterol and prevents the clots , damage to blood vessels and it has been associated with a lower risk of obesity in the women. If you are going to drink, it is recommended before eating, to hydrate well and avoid irritating foods such as chili and fat.

Remember that the most important thing is that you keep your healthy habits every day, and if you already have any of these diseases ask your clinic to support you with a comprehensive care program.

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Video Medicine: British Heart Foundation - Type II diabetes and heart disease (May 2024).