3 ways to eliminate them

The arms, thighs and back are prone to accumulate fats and toxins, so they begin to appear small and rough grains on the skin, removing its smoothness, good appearance and health.

The pimples on the skin appear together when those toxins or fat are not eliminated by other routes, but also, they can manifest themselves for various reasons, according to biomanantial.com:

1. Lack of hygiene and dryness. Do not keep the clean or exfoliated skin , as well as not taking enough pure water, are very common causes.
2. Food. Eat too much junk food, greasy, fried or a high consumption of flour and refined sugar.
3. Detergents. Use strong or poor-quality detergents to wash clothes.
4. Emotions . The nerves, anxiety and irritation or anger tighten the skin and pores, so the toxins block the pores of those specific areas and do not allow the skin to breathe properly. In addition, the stress excessive lowers the body's defenses and does not allow the elimination of toxins .


3 ways to eliminate them

1. Hydration. The first thing you should do is drink at least two liters of pure water a day, because the skin contains 90% or more of water; if it is dry, fats and toxins accumulate.
2. Exfoliation. An effective remedy against pimples on the skin is exfoliate with green or pink clay, which will help your skin stay clean and eliminate dead cells that accumulate in these areas.
3. Exercise and bath. The exercise It is an excellent way to eliminate stress, anxiety and feelings of irritation. Steaming for a while is highly recommended for your skin to relax and absorb enough moisture, in addition to eliminating toxins when sweating. After bathing apply some 100% natural oil or cream of aloe, honey or almonds and let your nutrients absorb into your skin.


What you must not do

Squeezing or squeezing the pimples on the skin just harms her more. Although they disappear, this seems to work, it is only temporary because the grains sprout again if you do not attend the cause that causes them.

Neither the scratches, besides irritating and drying your skin, will make them appear more. Also, avoid applying creams with a lot of odor or colored, can further irritate the skin.

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Video Medicine: 3 ways to eliminate the ch3 gap (April 2024).