10 enemies of your skin

Some external factors can become enemies of the skin, since they favor cell oxidation, the main cause of aging and deterioration of the dermis, highlights the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV).

The specialists point out that to maintain a youthful appearance some habits that reduce the impact of free radicals, which attack collagen, elastin and moisture fibers, must be modified. The first step is to protect yourself from the following enemies of the skin.


  1. Sun. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays generates spots on the skin, reduces hydration and promotes the development of cancer. In addition, the AEDV ensures that the tanorexia is one of the main causes of premature aging.
  2. Tobacco. The appearance of wrinkles triples in women who consume cigarettes, while for men it means double the risk. It affects the blood circulation and reduces the oxygenation of the tissues.

  3. Alcohol. Especially the distillate (whiskey, gin or vodka) produces premature aging, generates opacity and a pale color on the skin and impacts on the blood circulation.
  4. Junk food. The lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as the excess of saturated fat and calories generate an alteration in the lipid metabolism, which generates acne, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.

  5. Stress. Favors the development of wrinkles, impacts on the quality of sleep, which causes the appearance of dark circles, acne and makes the skin more vulnerable to the environment. In addition, it can complicate skin diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea.
  6. Hormone aging. After menopause up to 30% of the collagen is lost, so the skin loses firmness and the appearance of wrinkles deepens.

  7. Pollution. The dust and the impurities that are in the air cover the pores, which propitiates the appearance of acne.
  8. Air conditioner. Dehydrates the skin, leaving it vulnerable, flaky and dry.

  9. Alterations in weight. Going up or down quickly a few kilos damages the elasticity of the skin, which is why stretch marks and flaccidity appear.

  10. Constipation. The alterations in your digestive system produce an accumulation of toxins, which sprout through the skin. Avoid it by drinking at least two liters of water daily.

To look radiant and free of impurities, as well as to prevent premature aging, protect yourself from these skin enemies through the application of sunscreens, proper cleansing and a healthy diet. And you, how do you take care of your appearance?

Video Medicine: Enemy EXPLAINED - Movie Review (SPOILERS) (May 2024).