10 cares for a perfect breast implant

All, or most, we dream of a body that is proportionate, firm, but above all aesthetic. In pursuit of this ideal, women undergo surgical procedures, which are already routine and have physical and psychological risks, such as breast implants.

For this reason, GetQoralHealth offers some care before and after this surgery; which will help you prevent some consequences such as infections or breast loss.

1. Days before the operation, wash your entire body with a germicidal soap.

2. Do not take any medication like aspirin for two weeks.

3. Remember not to drink any drunk before the surgery.

4. Post-operative care will depend on the type of implant as mentioned in the video:

5. After the operation of breast implants Avoid loading heavy things and make sudden movements.

6. There are special bras that are good support and firmness to the breast, same that should be used, day and night, in the first three weeks after the operation.

7. Try to sleep with your head slightly raised, avoid lateral positions.

8. Avoid sunbathing and exposing yourself to heat, this can harm the healing.

9. Try not to carry out activities that involve the use of arms.

10. Regularly you have to prevent the bandage from getting wet, but if the doctor authorizes you to take a bath try treating it with warm water and with neutral soap.

In this type of surgical interventions, such as breast implants , pain in the breast, sternum, ribs and a little temperature is normal; however, always try to ask your doctor. Do not remain with doubts that these are the main allies of the complications in aesthetic operations.

Video Medicine: Yemin Breast Augmentation in Korea-1 week results (April 2024).