1. Tumors in the mammary gland

The ideal time to submit your pet to the sterilization is before you enter puberty, that is before the six months

When you are a responsible owner and sterilize to your dog, helps chronic diseases, tumors and other ailments do not develop, says in an interview to GetQoralHealth , Claudia Edwards , veterinarian, ethologist and consultantAdóptame Program .

To know more, the specialist shares the main diseases that you can help prevent your puppy develop with taking it to sterilize


1. Tumors in the mammary gland

With the sterilization the possibility of the females developing them is reduced to 0.5%. One or more can be developed tumors , and occur in one or several glands.


2. Piómetria

It is a condition by which the uterus of the dog is filled with pus , due to the increase in the levels of progesterone after in heat It happens mostly in adulthood.


3. Pseudogestasis

Your dog can manifest maternal behavior, enlargement and distension of the mammary gland , produce milk. Because it is a psychological pregnancy, it produces a lot stress .


4. Prostate problems

By castrating them as children it is possible that prostate it develops of a small size, and when it is realized in the adulthood it is possible to reduce up to 40%. Which prevents the development of tumors .


5. Tumors in the perianal glands

These are two "balls" that are located around the anal opening, which can develop adenomas or edenocarcinomas .

All dog What is it sterilized not only reduces the chances of developing these conditions, but lives longer and is much more happy , says Edwards.