Visualize and burn fat

The meditation It is an excellent technique relaxation that can be of great help in a treatment for slim down or maintain the right weight.

This is because the meditation increases your state of consciousness and decreases the chances of giving yourself to eat by emotions. In addition, it allows you to be more attentive to what you do and it makes you much more of your decision making.

For example, if you analyze how your body reacts when you consume a high fat meal or when you eat excess food , you will discover that you feel numb, lazy and that your thinking becomes confused.


Visualize and burn fat

Inside of meditation , you can resort to this technique (display ), which uses the imagination to influence physiological processes.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth , Martha Sánchez Navarro , expert in health and well-being tells you how to achieve it:

"You can visualize yourself in a mirror with the silhouette you would like to have, thanks to the imagination, you can" see "how the areas of the body that have more fat disappear and gradually" imagine "the slender figure you want to achieve."

According to visualization experts, when you look in the mirror, a feeling of well-being develops that helps you to be better with yourself.

"You are aware that if you want to, you can lose weight and improve your health and quality of life. Visualize , is useful as a preventive technique and as a support in the recovery of any disease ".


The brain and the weight

Some specialists suggest that, if you do not have enough time to do exercise or follow a diet to the letter, you can resort to the power of the mind .

When you direct your thoughts appropriately, you will be able to decrease the desire for food and give answers to glandular control. And there are specific areas in the brain that control the way metabolize food . Many of them are being studied by doctors, but it is known that glandular functions are controlled by the mind.

Therefore, if you control your mind, you can manage your glandular functions. The meditation in daily life it requires time, faith in what you do and be constant.

When the visualization becomes part of your daily routine, you will discover that you will be able to face much better any stressful situation, even those that are directly related to the temptation to fall before the foods that are not convenient for your health.

Video Medicine: How To Use Law Of Attraction To Assist In Weight Loss (Visualization) (April 2024).