Similar interests

Surely you have seen couples that come together to the third age and you will ask yourself, how have they achieved it? It is not some kind of magic, much less a set of habits that bind them together. This is done by couples who have been together for many years .

You can also see: 5 causes of a boring relationship

According to studies published by the University of Michigan , United States, the couples who have been together for many years they try and always care about each other; but above all they are comfortable and should not pretend to change their personality to please their partner.

Here we present what makes a relationship for a long time:


Similar interests

It is essential that they share tastes, to have affinity, perform activities together and enjoy them equally.

Go to the movies, theater, sports, travel; All this type of activities are enjoyed more in pairs.



It might sound like a "trite phrase" but a relationship where there is no trust will hardly work.

It is true that you must not tell everything to your partner but if they need to share stories and know what is going on in both their lives.

Of course trust also refers to believing in his word and that if he is with you it is because he is convinced to do it.



The sexuality It is a very important part of the relationship. This strengthens the couple and in some way makes them feel more wanted.

Intimacy does not refer only to having sex, also to sexual games to seduce the couple, this will not extinguish that flame of desire.

Tip: sharing the shower from time to time is an excellent option.


Avoid problems

It is always indispensable clarify the bad understood s. The problem of when things are not talked about is that you can create a "snowball" of deductions and regularly end up in a problem that should not have manifested itself.

Tip: never sleep angry, it is always good to clarify everything to sleep peacefully.


Be a retailer

The details in a relationship should not be lost; It is always nice to surprise the couple with some kind of detail, this strengthens the relationship.

Tip: it is not necessary to spend on the detail, a text message or a card with a nice thought is enough.

It manages to maintain your Relationship For years with these simple habits, your partner will thank you and you will also get benefits from them. This is what couples who have been together for years do .


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Video Medicine: Similar Interests - Fleeting Moment (May 2024).