Senile dementia, a way to leave this world

So there is no doubt: the dementia senile It is a disease and is not part of the normal aging process. Although older adults, as they get older, take part in a series of physical and mental changes, this does not mean that they have to suffer from some kind of dementia.

The term senile dementia describes a group of symptoms caused by changes in the function of brain , characterized by memory impairment short and long term, and associated with disorders of abstract thinking, judgment, superior cortical functions and personality modifications.

According to the National Institute on Aging of the United States (NIA, for its acronym in English), all these alterations are serious enough to interfere significantly in personal relationships and in work or social activities.

The two most frequent forms of dementia in the elderly are Alzheimer's disease and multi-infarct or vascular dementia; it's about irreversible conditions (they have no cure) and, according to experts, they usually start after age 65.

People with dementia lose their mental faculties at different rates.

Symptoms of senile dementia

Among others, they stand out: asking the same question repeatedly, getting lost in familiar places, not being able to follow instructions, being disoriented, losing the sense of time, confusing places and people, and neglecting personal safety, hygiene and food .

Dementia can be caused by many conditions, some of which are reversible such as high fever, dehydration, vitamin deficiency, poor diet, adverse drug reactions, problems with the thyroid or minor head injuries. This type of ailments can be serious, so it is essential to see the doctor as soon as possible.

Occasionally, older adults suffer emotional problems that can be confused with dementia; For example, feelings of sadness, loneliness, worry or boredom may be more common among people who are facing retirement or who are suffering the death of a spouse, relative or friend.

The process of adapting to these changes makes some elders feel confused or forgetful. These emotional problems can be alleviated with the support of family and friends or with the professional help of a doctor who will diagnose the seriousness of the problem and can recommend a complete physical, neurological and psychiatric evaluation.

Video Medicine: Caregiver Training: Refusal to Bathe | UCLA Alzheimer's and Dementia Care (April 2024).