Robotic bionic therapy vs multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic progressive disease of the Central Nervous System that affects more than 15 thousand Mexicans and more than 2.5 million people in the world, according to data from the International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis .

To learn about multiple sclerosis, within the framework of World Day of Multiple Sclerosis , the neurologist Alejandro Gutiérrez, explains in an interview with GetQoralHealth about its characteristics and effects:

However, thanks to the bionic and robotic rehabilitation therapy , it is possible to reverse the motor disabilities generated by this disease, whose damage originates in the layer of myelin .

In this regard, the doctor José Ángel Hernández Medina, doctor in the neuro-rehabilitation area of ​​the Bionic and Robotic Evaluation and Rehabilitation Center (CEREBRO) , explains that this disease affects many bodily functions due to the damage caused to nerve fibers communicating with the brain .

This therapy, according to the impediments and degree of motor impairment, helps to recover strength, coordination, decrease spasticity, and improve the proprioception , which is the feeling of oneself in space, details the specialist in medicine rehabilitation .

"While multiple sclerosis is an incurable and autoimmune disease, through appropriate treatment that includes medication administration and personalized therapy with state-of-the-art technological instruments and physical therapists, such as those that count BRAIN , it is possible to reduce its symptoms and restore functionality to the patient, "says Dr. Hernández Medina.

Video Medicine: Back to Work: Rehabilitation Therapy w/ The Bionic Leg - AlterG (May 2024).