Prevent fatigue from affecting your physical training!

You spend 9 hours at work, another two in traffic and when you're on your way to to train , you ask yourself, where do you get energy so that fatigue does not affect your training? If you felt identified here we leave you 10 tips to train to the fullest.

1. Eat cereals

You've heard it a thousand times, a good diet is basic. The University of Cardiff in Wales, explain that the ideal diet to combat fatigue should include cereals since not only will they help you to burn fat, but they will also give you energy.

2. Do not forget to stay hydrated

Hydrate correctly is basic to not feel half of your routine that you can not anymore. Water helps keep our brain on alert, according to the European Hydration Institute, which recommends that you make a hydration plan for your training in which you take into account: your sweating, the opportunities you have to drink water and your sensation of thirst.

3. Add caffeine

Try not to consume it after 6 o'clock in the afternoon if it causes you problems to fall asleep, but if this is not the case, the European Hydration Institute mentions that a coffee can give you extra energy what you need especially if you consume it a little before your training .

4. Feed your spirit

Dress your fatigue to the rhythm of the music. A group of researchers from John Moores University in Liverpool put the athletes on the run with different rhythms and came to the conclusion that music can increase the athletic performance.

5. Keep your rhythm

Do not want to run before walking. Avoid running out of air and exhaust yourself in minutes calculating your heart rate, this can be done by subtracting your age from 220.

6. One, two, three ... Breathe

For your muscles to resist training, practice breathing techniques to oxygenate correctly. The ex- military Stew Smith recommends in his application to do it of the following form: inhales in three times and exhales in two.

7. Give up your sleep hours

If you are one of those who sacrifice sleep for training and do not rest the 10 hours recommended by the Stanford University. Then consider taking a nap for 10 to 30 minutes during the day so you can perform better when you do your exercises. Sleeping a little will make you feel like new.

8. Program your mind

Yes, we know that you have had a very heavy day, but when you get to your training, leave everything behind and take it as the perfect moment to take out the stress and forget the problems. According to a study published by the Journal of Applied Physiology , mental fatigue can influence our actions, so we have to turn it around.

9. Search allies

Finding your friends in the training will help you motivate you and keep you active thanks to the competition . Avoid training only on days when you feel too fatigued.

10. Set a goal

Motivate yourself and set a goal. The American Pychological Association Indicates in a study the importance of establishing short-term goals and maintain the willpower, also points out that those who are in harmony with themselves may be in a better state than those who seek to please others.

Do not think about it anymore and get going! Do not let fatigue win and affect your training

Video Medicine: Muscle Fatigue: Why do muscles get tired and weak after exercise? (May 2024).