Foods to raise body mass

When you make physical activity not only do you spend energy, but you lose different nutrients as vitamins , minerals, proteins , sugars and fats It is necessary that you replenish these nutrients because if not, not only you will lose weight but you will lose muscle mass and you will feel tired , without strength.

That's why you need a diet to winmuscle mass but strengthening your muscles It is important to keep in mind that if your idea is to winmuscle mass and lose weight, diet must contain a percentage of proteins , around 20% to 25% (this will depend on the type of physical activity what you do)

For this, you must choose foods like red meat without fat, chicken or turkey without skin, fish, egg (especially the egg white that is protein pure), dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.

Keep in mind that while proteins They are very important to gain muscle mass and lose weight, so are carbohydrates, as these are the ones that will give you energy. They are also the nutrients that the body first chooses to obtain this energy.

You must select foods rich in fiber as vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. Everyone foods they will give you energy, vitamins and minerals.

Finally, the type of fats what you should consume should preferably be unsaturated and restrict the consumption of saturated and trans fats . It will be necessary, then, to make a selection of foods in which you choose canola, olive, sunflower, grape, sesame, flaxseed or corn oil to flavor your meals and avoid foods whole, butter, cold meats and sausages.

One point to keep in mind is that, after the completion of physical activity intense it is important to replenish liquids, sugars and proteins . It is suggested to do it jointly up to 3 hours after the activity is finished.

One way to replace it is through protein shakes in which you include sugars, such as a banana milkshake, milk, almonds and oats. Thus you will lose weight and you can have recovery times muscular shorter and without losing the energies.

All these foods combined together, will allow you lose weight and win muscle mass without going hungry.

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Video Medicine: 5 Foods To Eat To Quickly Gain Weight and Muscle (April 2024).