Get fit with your partner

The exercise It can be more enjoyable when performed as a couple, because it helps you maintain a rhythm in the activity, do not get discouraged easily, share time that both enjoy and also improve their relationship.

According to the specialists, by practicing a sport together, they will keep their bodies in shape and release endorphins , which help fight the pain , they favor the sensation of wellness and generate pleasure .

The following video shows some exercises What you can do with your partner:

If you are one of the people who prefer the sport to perform routines exercises , there are different alternatives that will help you to achieve a body of envy and, above all, to spend quality time with your better half. For example:

Swimming : It's one of the exercises more complete, as it helps tone your entire body and improves your cardiovascular system. In addition, it favors the relaxation , which is very useful when you have had some discussion.

Football: This is a sport that men love, so do not hesitate to try to score some goals. They can be organized with couples of friends to make it more fun and entertaining.

Cycling : This physical activity breaks with the routine and strengthens your body; You can practice it during the weekends.

Skating : It is a good cardiovascular exercise that shapes and tones your legs. They can hold hands and travel the whole track, while they talk about what happened in their day or, simply, kiss each other from time to time.

Yoga : This millennial technique reduces the stress , generates energy, activates the metabolism and the immune system . In addition, it generates flexibility and improves breathing , which is very useful during the erotic life.

Do not hesitate any more and encourage yourself to practice any kind of physical activity in the company of your partner; Enjoy the time and learn to relax together, to achieve a lasting and happy relationship. And you, what activities do you do with your average orange?

Video Medicine: 17 Intimate Ways to Get Fit with Your Partner | Cosmopolitan (April 2024).