Power of attraction increases your internal growth

Life sometimes has its ups and downs; and when we are at "low tide", sometimes we do not know how to move from there to other levels. By ignoring it, we can be acting against us, attracting more of the same, just what we want to get away from. Therefore, it is important to learn to activate our gland pineal.

Einstein said it: "Everything is Energy , vibrating at a different frequency, which determines the quality of the result "and when it is fully understood and acted upon (applying the method) the results start to arrive in cascade.

It is key to learn to tune in with a higher vibrational frequency level to resonate from there, in order to attract events, situations, people and circumstances that are within these vibrational fields. And this is not esotericism, it is not "new age" philosophy, but understanding the union of science with the spirit through the gland pineal, which is found in the brain .

By understanding that we are beings-energy passing through an experience of densification in the physical and earthly plane, we realize that we can then access the "memory of origin" that is much wider and more perfect than our "humanity memory" in the plane physical, fills it with deficiencies, limitations, disease , etc.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the shaman and lecturerChristian Nottbohm It explains the importance of the power of attraction in our daily life:

If we "turn on the switch" and align ourselves with the light through the pineal gland, we can very easily begin to move within the seven facets of the Power of Higher Intention that are beauty, goodness, truth, expansion, abundance, creativity. and receptivity.

With this wonderful tool that is the pineal gland, the acts that we create every day or what we decided to carry out, is aligned with these facets, that is, we visualize only the best, we are filled with faith, so it will materialize, and in deep humility and confidence, we begin to thank the rain of blessings that fall upon us, thus co-creating our reality.

The power of attraction increases your internal growth (spiritual, physical, emotional and energetic) because it applies mentally and energetically and you can evoke it through different tools such as reiki , Bach flowers , bioenergetics, art therapy, family constellations, emotional intelligence, inner child, ecological awareness, yoga , meditation , Tai Chi , feng-shui , NLP, coaching, brief therapy, music therapy , family constellations, gestalt, bioenergetics, art therapy, speech therapy, visualization.

If you want to know a little more about the subject and integrate it into your life by activating your pineal gland visit sermejorser.com.mx in the section where Pineal says or go this weekend to the workshop that will be held at the Center Be Better Being (55) 36-19-72-94. Be happy, believe in the real possibility of living your life in a much more beautiful way. We create what we believe!

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Video Medicine: 6 Law of Attraction Exercises to Increase Your Manifestation Power (April 2024).