Overcome hypochondria in five steps!

The hypochondria is the constant feeling that there is something wrong with the body, that is, people feel they are sick of something but do not know what, says the psychoanalyst Luis Gerardo Montes .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) notes that it is important to distinguish between hypochondria and somatization.


Overcome hypochondria in five steps!

"In the hypochondria there are no symptoms, there is only the feeling that there is something but you do not know what is wrong with the body. A person who has hypochondria will be dedicated to investigating the symptoms, on the internet or with doctors, any sensation that they have in the body, without becoming pain or physical symptom, "says Luis Gerardo Montes.

However, a person who has hypochondria is not aware of this, that is, he does not realize it, but he consults symptoms of diseases on the internet or with doctors. Even, sometimes they convince doctors that they have the disease .

However, they tend to behave this way because instead of worrying about something that is happening in their life they worry about their body, that is, it is a way to avoid the anguish or other emotions around them, but, how can you overcome the hypochondria ?


  1. Attend psychotherapy. It is the best option to overcome it
  2. Go with a general practitioner .
  3. Give yourself self-therapy. People should think or analyze what happens before they feel anxiety or the need to look for symptoms.
  4. Forget about the consultation of symptoms on the internet.
  5. Avoid the search for second medical opinions.


Know the difference between hypochondria and somatization!

The psychoanalyst Luis Gerardo Montes assures that the great difference between hypochondria and somatization is that in the second there is a symptom or modification in the body to which doctors or find a physiological explanation, that is, everything is mental.

That is to say, instead of thinking or saying something, they express it with the body, since they can not put words to it.

A person when it is hypochondriac or tends to somatize things is not aware that it is, so psychotherapy is very important to her, as it will help you realize and discover the reasons for their behavior, concludes Luis Gerardo Montes.

Video Medicine: Top 10 Rules To Crush Health Anxiety (Hypochondria) (May 2024).