More servings, more calories

It's a very simple formula: for go down of weight it is important to start reduce the portions of food . This intention may seem restrictive because we are used to eating large portions with the idea that we will be satisfied for longer.


Reduce the portions of food is not to be diet , means eating less calories and control the rations. It does not mean that you have to eat small amounts of everything, "he explains. Lisa Young , professor of the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health of the New York University .


More servings, more calories

It is healthy to take care of the amount of food we eat because it allows us to maintain the ideal size. It is proven that if they serve us large portions we are going to eat of plus . This causes us to consume more calories, and as a consequence we will go up of weight .

So in order not to fall into excess, the nutritionist Young share five tricks super simple for reduce the portions of food without starving.

1. Prefer small presentations. It sounds obvious, but fashion is to buy food in different sizes: small, medium, large and even jumbo. The small is the best option .

2. Includes more vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are relatively low in calories: itsfiber It makes us feel satisfied. By complementing your dishes with vegetables, it will be easy to resist the temptation of eat in excess for that feeling of satiety.

3. A glass of water before each food. This vital liquid is an ally for control the weight . It is so effective because it makes you feel that your stomach is full, besides, it has no contribution caloric and people who drink it before meals reduce the consumption of foods .

4. Take care of the environment. A calm environment, with dim lights and music quiet It is favorable to enjoy meals. It also helps eat plus slow Y  to metabolize better the food.

5. Avoid eating packaged products. Doing so prevents you from measuring the amount you are eating. When the products do not indicate the total of portions, you are more likely to exceed the necessary ration. For example, with a package with 10 servings, it means that its content is of 10 small proportions, by not paying attention to this indication it will be difficult to be aware of the rations.

The proper balance and being aware when taking food helps greatly to measure portions. Do you usually do it?

Video Medicine: Americans Guess What 100 Calories Looks Like (April 2024).