More benefits of kinesiotaping

The Kinesiotaping It is a treatment that is used to accelerate the recovery of a muscle injury, however, this technique is very useful to reduce fluid retention and prevent the appearance of cellulite.

According to the portal , this method consists in the application of elastic neuromuscular patches, created by the Japanese doctor Kenzo Kase , in strategic areas of the body.

They are a good complement to the beauty treatments that are used to shape the body, because when placed on the thighs a space is generated under the skin that activates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

It even decongests the areas where there is a greater accumulation of liquids, so it reduces accumulated fat, the appearance of cellulite, bruising and inflammation.


More benefits of kinesiotaping

In information published by the portal , it is explained that in addition to preventing fluid retention, due to its natural analgesic effect, kinesiotaping reduces muscle aches and inflammation and improves back posture.

When the patch is applied on and around the muscles, a support is generated to avoid muscle contraction. The patch can be stretched up to 150% so that the skin and muscle have adequate support.

It is important that the patch is placed over the lymph nodes to work properly, so it is recommended to go to a specialist for its application.

Although body heat maintains the effect for eight days, it is suggested that you change the patch after three days.

Remember that warm tones are applied to generate heat and it is useful in mild muscle injuries; while the cold ones are ideal to reduce inflammation. And you, how do you prevent fluid retention?

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Video Medicine: Understanding the Benefits of Kinesio Tape (May 2024).