1. Profession

Talk about singleness implies many junctures, those times have passed when the marriage It was a natural cycle of people, nowadays men and women are more resistant to formalizing a commitment.

Women have taken a higher degree of awareness in their decision making, a couple of decades ago the average age at which women were married was between 20 and 30 years; Nowadays, it is normal to see women who are over 30 years old and fully enjoy their bachelorhood.

It is a reality that social pressure influenced the civil status of people, but now that has changed.

Here are 5 reasons why women are still single:


1. Profession

The higher the degree of academic education, the greater the professional objectives. Several studies have shown that women who have completed a university career extend their life expectancy, which is why marriage is not something that fits into their plans.

Video Medicine: FAQ #1 - Profession musicien & YouTuber (April 2024).