Mental exercises for your emotional balance

A good one Health mental influence directly on the wellness of the human being, that is why it is important that people perform exercises mental, to exercise your brain and obtain a emotional balance and physical.

According to psychologist Gerardo Velásquez , everything that is generated in the mind Impacts positively or negatively in the body. That is, the thought causes a certain emotional state and as a consequence a bodily sensation.

In the next video, Cristina Vilaseca Bertrán offers some recommendations to have a good emotional balance , from the mind:

To achieve a state of relaxation mental, you can practice meditation, which offers a full mind-body interaction and ends with the stress that is generated daily.

Practice brain gym

On the other hand, it is important to have an active and fit mind with the help of exercises mental, which keep the brain in a way to react positively to the environment, such as the following:

In addition, a diet rich in Omega 3 helps to maintain a good emotional balance , because it strengthens the nervous system , that is, it generates a good communication between the neurotransmitters. And you, how do you exercise your brain?

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