Medicinal plants against obesity

The rising rates of obesity around the world, caused mainly by excesses in intake and sedentary life, constitute one of the great problems of public health in our societies.

Among the many forms, diets and treatments that emerge every day to combat obesity, the use of medicinal plants known as Phytotherapy , is arousing great interest.

There are certain plants that have slimming properties, however, it is best to put yourself in the hands of specialists in this field, to receive a correct advice according to personal needs.

Medicinal plants and the products that are obtained from them, are effective remedies to combat obesity and to maintain the line, since they do not have adverse effects. However, they are complementary to the treatment, that is to say that alone will not give the expected results , if they are not combined with a change of eating habits and physical activity. In addition, it is not advisable to use them irresponsibly, since not all of them have the same benefits and effects.

The effectiveness of the application of plants with the funality of losing weight has been proven in numerous pharmacological and clinical trials that have been carried out with certain plant species.

There are different types of plants for lose weight , each with different functions, among them we can mention at least seven of these.


Types of plants to lose weight


  1. Satiating : Plants such as plantago and glucomannan, which when in contact with water form a non-digestible gel that produces a sensation of fullness and reduces appetite. It is advisable to administer them before meals, accompanied with sufficient water.
  2. Depurative : Plants such as orthosiphon, improve digestion or increase diuresis such as artichoke.
  3. With thermogenic effect : Green tea and mate have thermogenic properties (action of generating temperature, producing a fat burning action of fat cells).
  4. Inhibitors of fat accumulation : They prevent glucose from turning into fat. One of the most studied is garcinia cambogia.
  5. To reduce belly swelling : Plants such as fennel and lemon balm are recommended to counteract swelling.
  6. Against fluid retention . Improve the elimination of liquids. Among them are: the red vine, cranberry, butcher.
  7. To control anxiety : plants such as valerian or california poppy, have a calming effect.

Medicinal plants have traditionally been used in the form of infusion, however, this form of administration does not allow effective control of the doses administered, so it is preferable to do so in preparations such as capsules or tablets. These pharmaceutical presentations represent a guarantee of quality and facilitate its conservation.

Each plant should be administered in a specific way. This type of treatment is not recommended in people who are breastfeeding. It is important that the preparations are always taken at the same time to improve their effectiveness.