Marijuana could cause erectile dysfunction

New studies indicate that marijuana and sexual health in male smokers could cause erectile dysfunction , published the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

The investigations on the subject have been contradictory and there are few serious studies on the matter, comments the researcher Rany Shamoul , from the University of Ottawa in Canada and the University of Cairo, Egypt.

Shamoul found in his research that The penis contains receptors for an active ingredient of the marijuana , so it suggests that young men should think about the Long-term effects who has a cigar, popularly known as "churro".

The active ingredient is known as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC for its acronym in English). European studies have previously found recipients of THC in the tissue of the penis of men and monkeys. These receptors were found mainly in the smooth muscle area of ​​the penis and have an inhibitory effect on this muscle, says Shamoul.

"This has a much more serious effect on the erectile function because the smooth muscle represents between 70% and 80% of the penis itself, "said the specialist.

The marijuana it is commonly used among adults and adolescents around the peak of their sex life, says Shamoul. The Office of Crime and Drugs of the United Nations Organization reports that there are 162 million people in the world who consume it. More than 22 million people use it every day , so the long-term effects should be considered, Shamoul said.

Source: LiveScience.

Video Medicine: Real Questions - Can smoking weed lower your sex drive? (April 2024).