Learn to change salads for fats

Susan Roberts nutritionist in Tufts University and author of the book The Instinct Diet, explains that there is a biological reason which most people feel whim for ice cream, sweets and other goodies, but not for broccoli.

The man, when he was still nomadic and depended on the availability of resources, to avoid dying of hunger his brain was programmed to collect and recognize food signals rich in calories and fat to survive longer. The above helps explain why a piece of cake on a plate in front of you, It is so irresistible!

According to Roberts, the mind can be trained to make our instincts forget and thus stop the cravings for food that hurts us, so we then gain weight and want unhealthy foods.

The information published on the portal CNN.com , points out that with 3 singles Steps, you will be able to change your cravings for fat-rich foods healthy food"

1. Clean your bowls

Eliminate traces of foods rich in sugars and fats (chocolate, desserts etc.) If you have a bowl in your house with chocolates or sweets, replace them with marbles.

2. Bring healthy food with you

Load apples in your bag and keep a box of high fiber cereal at your fingertips, to eat them every time you fancy a chocolate.

3. Technique between meals

The "sandwich method , consists in avoid eating completely any unhealthy food that you crave with the hope that this "desire" you forget.

This happens because if at the beginning of the meal, you take a collation high in fat, when you are hungry, your brain registers it with satiety, and expects that every time you need to eat you give the same type of snack, but if you take it at the end of the meal, your brain will remember it as less appetizing , because hunger is already less.

Put these tips into practice and try to decrease the amount of "junk" food you eat a day.

Video Medicine: 4 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss | Easy Salad Recipes (April 2024).