Kidney cancer is fought with Torisell

The metastatic renal cancer It's one of the cancers which affects men older than 50 years more. The renal carcinoma It usually manifests clinically late, so approximately one third of patients have distant metastases at the time of diagnosis.

Thus, Pfizer, announced the creation of a new drug, called: Torisell, which inhibits the protein responsible for the growth of malignant cells .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the director of the Uroclinic group Carlos Sánchez Moreno, explains the treatment for kidney cancer:

The doctor, José Luis Aguilar , deputy director of internal medicine of the National Institute of Cancerology (INCan), clarifies the advantages of this medicine: "With this one, the cancer cells , which allows the treatment to achieve up to 10.9 months of overall survival and 5.5 months free of disease progression ".

It is estimated that in Mexico every year at least 1,500 patients are registered with Kidney cancer , whose symptomatology are fatigue, weight loss, bleeding when urinating, pain in the kidney, lack of appetite. In a lesser percentage, a mass (lump) may also be present in one of the two kidneys.

According to Aguilar, the obesity and the constant intake of analgesics , could also influence the appearance of this type of Cancer . The way to diagnose it is through an ultrasound and later a tomography to check the presence of Kidney cancer .  

Video Medicine: Kidney Cancer | Dr. Tony Talebi discusses "What is Kidney Cancer?" with Dr. Jaime Merchan. (May 2024).