If you use the computer a lot, relax your body

Many young computer users around the world face the problem of back pain. Having your back against the wall usually means you're in trouble. However, in certain yoga positions, supporting your back firmly against a wall helps with health.

In Hatha yoga, ways are practiced that Swami Gitananda it calls body geometry-triangles, straight lines, circles and parallel lines. When making a posture, always try to stretch your body to the maximum limit and then hold it there while counts slowly up to 10 , until each position can be maintained for 30 seconds. So every time you stretch you will be a little bit further away.

Beginners tend to lean forward to increase the stretch. However, this is wrong and is actually detrimental to the benefits and possibly causing harm. To perform the stretches correctly, be sure to keep the column firmly supported against a wall . The wall acts as a brake. The extra time spent in practicing postures will be worth it: Your body will get excellent flexibility and strength.

Angled stretch

Stand straight against the wall and stretch your feet. Inhale and raise your arms to shoulder height, palms down. Place the right foot to the right and turn the left foot slightly. Bend the right knee to form a right angle, with the thigh parallel to the floor and the vertical shin. The knee should be directly above the ankle. Stretches the back leg and squeezes the knee.


Angled stretch

Exhale and stretch the right hand until resting on the floor behind the right foot. Turn your head to look up and press the left side of your hip against the wall with your left hand. You must feel a strong pull along the left side. When you feel comfortable, stretch your left arm up and press it against your ear so that it stretches to your left heel. Hold this position while you count to 10. Inhale and return to the starting position. Exhale and repeat on the other side.


This position produces health in general. Tones all the muscles, tendons and joints of the body. The heart is revitalized and strengthened, and when it is twisted, the spine is stretched and realigned. Hip joints, which can weaken with age, become stronger. The neck stretches and becomes more flexible, relieves the pain of rigid muscles, tense and with spondylosis. The thighs, hips and waist are affirmed. Even digestion is better.

Remember that you should lie down and relax after your yoga practice. Relaxation after exercising helps the body recover, regulates blood flow and calms the mind. That way you will not feel tired, but renewed and energized.

Video Medicine: 1-Minute Exercises to Improve Posture and Reduce Back Pain (April 2024).