How to prevent heart attacks

Changes in the strict diet and Lifestyle they can not prevent myocardial infarction directly, but they can revert the blockage of the arteries, according to a study that showed that a vegetarian diet, moderate exercise, a daily hour of yoga and meditation can reverse arteriosclerosis, a obstruction of the arteries that can lead to a heart attack.

Experts agree that all this can lower blood cholesterol, without the need for surgery.

The study, carried out by the doctor Dean Ornish , director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, was presented at the meeting of the American Heart Association, in New Orleans and their results also suggest that current medical guidelines for changes in the habits of people with severe heart disease do not go far enough. Previous studies have shown that exercise and changes in diet they can slow the progression of heart disease.

Although the study did not determine what percentage of improvement can be attributed to lifestyle changes, the researchers observed that control methods of stress generated a recovery in several disorders, including hypertension.

But some experts are skeptical about stress management methods, which are not currently among the reference recommendations for people with severe heart disease.