How to participate?

For many it was time to have fun and enjoy with friends and family, so the beach is one of the places with more demand in the summer; However, you have to maintain a hygiene correct to avoid infections Y diseases .

The reason? A study published in the magazine Journal of Water and Health reveals that beach sand is an important source of bacteria and viruses.

The good news is that this reverts to Wash your hands , so the microbes that we have when we touch it or play with it, are reduced and the development of diverse gastrointestinal diseases .

The most commonly transmitted bacteria on the beach is the Escherichia coli. Therefore, during this vacation GetQoralHealth Y Shield , they have 5 kits for you to wash your hands and enjoy this season to the fullest.

How to participate?

It is very simple! You just have to answer these questions and send us your answers on Friday, June 28. The first 5 people who respond correctly to contact @ GetQoralHealth They WIN!

1. Follow us on our social networks: Facebook , Pinterest Y Twitter
2. Tell us two aromas of the shield soaps
3. How many times should we wash our hands?
4. Why is it important to wash your hands when we are in the sand?

The name of the winners will appear this Monday, July 1 at 12:00 in Facebook Y Twitter . Remember that this promotion is only valid in the D.F and Metropolitan Area.

Video Medicine: HOW to PARTICIPATE in ROADIES | Meenal Shah | My Experience (May 2024).