How to consume it?

In the quest to lose weight, many people resort to natural remedies such as lemon or ginger. Although they are good, cayenne pepper to lose weight It has proven to be excellent.

A study of American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that the Cayenne pepper suppresses the appetite, burns more calories and accelerates the metabolism.

It's all because the Cayenne pepper It contains capsaicin, an ingredient that generates a thermogenic effect in the body, that is, increases body temperature.

When the body receives it increases the expenditure of energy, eliminates toxins and burns calories.


How to consume it?

An investigation of British Journal of Nutrition recommends eating it twice a day and the serving is one teaspoon coffee.

You can add it in your salads or infusions with a few drops of lemon so that it has an effect detoxifying .

It is contraindicated in people with gastrointestinal problems, pregnant women and those who take aspirin or anticoagulants.

The cayenne pepper to lose weight It is a great option, but do not forget to exercise at least three times a week so that your weight loss is constant and do not lose muscle.


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