First aid in emergency burns

"Do not touch it! It's very hot." You flip over your shoulder. But it's too late, he sees his little one crying as he rubs his hands in fear and with pain .

This is a common scenario in households with little boys and girls . It does not matter how parents are protective, their little ones tend to hurt themselves, as they barely know the results of their actions. As with a minor injury, all infants and toddlers can only cry and wait for help to be given.

First aid in the treatment of Burns will depend mainly on the degree of burn. There are three classifications of burns: first grade, second grade and third grade. Of these three, the first degree burn is considered the least harmful, so it is the only one in which first aid treatment can be given.

The two remaining classifications require immediate medical assistance, and if possible, take the victim to a hospital facility to prevent serious problems.

However, if small children suffered first degree burns, the first thing to do is to remove the clothes from the burned area. Take note: clothing is usually made of a material that can retain heat, so it must be removed in an instant. However, if it has stuck to the skin of the baby or small child, you should not try to eliminate it, as it can be more harmful, and even lead to infection.

The best you can do is cover the burned area with a cooler liquid . It could be water. Never apply creams, sprays, oils on the burn since this can lead to infection.

"It's okay, you'll be fine in a minute." This can be a reassuring phrase for your little one. However; always have to be extreme caution with this type of accident, prevention is better than the anguish of the cure.

Video Medicine: Emergency First Aid : How to Treat a Severe Burn (April 2024).