Fatty food damages the brain

The obesity It has become a major health problem in most industrialized countries, because it is very difficult to keep extra kilos out of the body.

To explain the reason why it is difficult to maintain a stable weight, a group of researchers from the United States, conducted a study in rodents, which was published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.

With the investigation it was detected that high-fat foods generate damages in the hypothalamus (brain area responsible for hunger, thirst and the natural rhythms of the body).

The doctor Michael Schwartz, main author of the study , stressed that the human body is designed to regulate the amount of energy that is stored as fat, through a process called homeostasis of energy.

For a person of normal weight, that's good. But once the person turns obese , your body seems to want to be in that new weight permanently.

He is also the director of Diabetes and Obesity Center at the University of Washington and his team found evidence ofinflammation or injury in the neurons , in rats and mice only three days after they consumed high-fat foods.

Schwartz believes that the attempt of brain to cure neurons , causes scarring in the central nervous system and a 25% reduction in POMC cells (proopiomelanocortin), which are very important for the control of fat by regulating appetite and preventing the increase in weight .

Video Medicine: TOP 15 BRAIN FOODS (April 2024).