Do you earn more than your partner?

According to Clinical Psychology Research Institute In Mexico, the divorce rate has increased by 80% in recent years compared to that registered 50 years ago. But what is the main cause of separation of couples?

An investigation of the University of the Americas A.C. highlights that the main causes of separation of the couple are communication problems, infidelity, violence and, above all, economic crises.

Money problems directly affect the couple's relationship, because they increase isolation, emotional stress, low self-esteem and depression.

Through proper management of finances, the couple can meet their basic needs such as food, shelter, recreation and clothing, but when this is not the case, the couple goes into depression and experiences emotions of frustration, which deteriorates the relationship.


Do you earn more than your partner?

According to the portal Another economic problem that separates couples is when one of the members earns more than the other, that is, there is an imbalance of economic power and decisions in marriage, especially if they put into practice the famous phrase "the one who pays Send "

Even when financial problems are registered, people lie more about the purchases or the expenses that are made, which triggers communication problems, stress, anguish and loneliness.


Strengthen your relationship!

In accordance with Verónica de Miguel, couples guide from portal , to avoid separation from a partner due to money, you must have an open communication with your partner regarding the perceptions, expenses and purchases made in your home.

When you reach agreements regarding the financial situation of your relationship, the tension between you will decrease and you will have a better quality of life and health.

If you want to know more about this and other types of conflicts facing the relationships of contemporary couples, do not miss Monday through Friday the new Cadenatres TV series: Bitter sweet . When is love no longer enough?

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Video Medicine: I make more money than my partner/spouse. How to deal? (May 2024).