Do not lose the light ...

Through them we perceive the world, but we also enjoy and live it. However, there are habits and situations that can negatively affect its functioning; example the one of the view.


In Mexico there is a prolonged use of technological devices, among which the computer stands out. With what ocular dryness is caused. Added to this is the use of fans (close to the face) and pollution, which together can damage vision of a person, "so do it in an interview for GetQoralHealth the ophthalmologist and spokesperson of the Théa Laboratories, Stephanie Voorduin Ramos.


Do not lose the light ...

Vision problems in Mexico can be divided into two: retroactive (myopia, waterfalls and all those that are originated by a deterioration by an advanced age), and of greater consultation (dryness ocular ).

However, what can we expect with these conditions? The expert Voorduin explains it.

1. Dry eye syndrome . It is a group of diseases of the tear film that is due to the decrease in production or increase in the evaporation of it, which can cause damage to the ocular surface resulting in discomfort or symptoms such as: burning, tearing and itching.

2. Macular degeneration related to age. It is an injury to the macula and is the first cause of irreversible visual loss in people over 65 years. A tool to prevent macular degeneration or delay its effects is the use of antioxidants and vitamin supplements designed especially for visual health.

In the case of ocular dryness there is a propensity for women, and. This may be due to a relationship with hormones According to Voorduin, the absence or alterations in the levels of estrogen can cause the eye to water or wet less.

To take care of your eyes, and avoid these frequent diseases of sight in Mexico, the expert Stephanie Voorduin Ramos, recommends the following:

1. Remember consciously to blink.

2. Look far away.

3. Use the right lighting.

4. Get out of your place every half hour.

In order to take care of your sight the Théa Laboratories They offer you a wide range of options and above all alternatives to prevent your eyes from getting sick. Beware!

Video Medicine: •||"Don't lose that light..."|| • Varian • Tangled the series AMV (May 2024).