Diabetes detonates Hellp syndrome

The Hellp syndrome it is a condition that develops only during the pregnancy in those women with chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes , lupus or rheumatoid arthritis , or who have become pregnant after 35 years of age.

The main symptoms are sickness , threw up , blurry vision, Headaches and stomach.

Also, suffer preeclampsia , which is the blood pressure high during pregnancy represents a risk factor for suffering the Hellp syndrome .

What is the preeclampsia ? Find out in the next video:

The Hellp syndrome , it goes unnoticed in most cases, but the excessive swelling of the legs or the overweight during pregnancy, are indicators of suffering.

To detect the Hellp syndrome you must make a hematic biometrics , laboratory test that quantifies the components of the blood : platelets, white and red blood cells, which, in general, are low.

Once diagnosed, doctors recommend that the baby be born as soon as possible, this can be done vaginally or through a Caesarean section . If birth is not induced, the lives of the mother and the baby are at risk.

To avoid the development of Hellp syndrome , you have to continuously check the blood pressure , as well as the levels of the components of the blood fluid to have a strict control of the pregnancy and detect any anomaly in time.

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