6 tips to eat with gestational diabetes

Gestational diabetes is defined as the condition of elevated blood glucose levels during the pregnancy , and the women at greatest risk are those over 25 years old, with a family history, who have had babies over 4 kg at birth or who have overweight or obesity .

It is diagnosed halfway through pregnancy , usually between weeks 24 and 28, so the monitoring of the glucose It is essential during this period.

As for its treatment, a specific diet helps to normalize the levels of glucose , which allows a proper growth of the baby. Therefore, we give you some recommendations for better control:

1. Reduce the consumption of simple carbohydrates . As sugar, sweet bread, fruit juices and soft drinks, among others.

2. Eat low glycemic index carbohydrates . They are carbohydrates that are absorbed slowly to avoid increases in the glucose , such as beans, chickpeas, some fruits, whole grains, among others.

3. Increase in fiber consumption . Fruits and vegetables contain fiber , just like whole grain breads, pastas and flours. Its consumption helps to absorb carbohydrates more slowly.

4. Reduce the amount of calories . Depending on the weight of the mother, before and during the pregnancy you can control your calorie intake to prevent the overweight and better control glucose.

5. Fracing the diet . You should contemplate 3 main meals, and 2 to 3 snacks.

6. Balance the diet . It must contain 55 to 60% of carbohydrates, 10 or 15% of proteins, and between 25 and 35% of fats.

In case the diet not enough to control glucose levels, the treating physician may resort to the prescription of "hypoglycemic" drugs or insulin injections.

In addition, doing some physical activity such as walking helps increase the sensitivity of insulin by helping to lower glucose levels.

Remember, it is important to prevent and reduce the greatest number of risk factors for this disease. Consult your doctor or specialist nutritionist to guide you on the diet more appropriate in your case. For more information visit www.insk.com

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Video Medicine: Gestational Diabetes: Patient experience (April 2024).