Clear your doubts

When for some reason Health or esthetic subject us to a surgery , we may have the fear that the person in whom we put our integrity is trained to do it successfully.

Jorge Enrique Monges Jones , surgeon oncologist of Angeles Acoxpa Hospital , answer the most frequently asked questions about How to choose the surgeon?


Clear your doubts

1. What should be considered for a good choice of a surgeon?

First, differentiate between a doctor general and a doctor surgeon since he did a specialty and is the person trained to carry out procedures surgical .

Second, make sure that the surgeon is the specialist indicated to meet the suffering , since there are different subspecialties .

2. What are the most common mistakes in choosing the expert?

Trust the ads advertising , offers or promotions , without investigating the doctor's curriculum and remaining with doubts when attending the consultation.

One mistake is to rely on advertisements, offers or promotions without investigating the path of the doctor

And if there is doubt or you are not satisfied with the explanation or suggestion of the surgeon, do not request a second opinion .

3. Is there a way for the patient to guarantee being in the hands of an expert?

It is difficult to guarantee, however it is important to make sure that you are a qualified doctor in the specialty that we need, in addition to knowing your trajectory .

It is very common to say that receiving care from surgeon Young does not mean he is inexperienced, so regardless of his age and whether he is female or male, it is important to ask him about his experience, as well as the patient You must investigate it.

In Mexico, on the page of the Secretary of Public Education you can look for the corresponding cedulas to the specialties, check that it corresponds with the specialty that the doctor affirms to have.

4. What would you recommend to a patient who is near surgery?

That you expose all your doubts and that you enlist them so that when you are in the consultation do not forget any, if necessary, that you ask the surgeon Some examples of a case similar to yours and explain the procedure, and expectations about the results, if it has not been clear.

Something very important is that the patient feel comfortable and confident with your doctor , that he / she perceives responsibility and seriousness in all the procedures and that he / she does not fear to ask what is the times that are necessary in order that he / she is satisfied with the explanation.

Know what the surgery , as well as the benefits of the intervention, the options therapeutic possible and also the complications that may arise.

We can add tranquility to our state of mind when entering the operating theater , if we have previously been responsible patients, that is, we are involved in the process.

In addition to being committed to following the letter, the treatment, care and diet recommended by the doctor.

Video Medicine: Cleanse Self Doubt, Fear & Self Sabotage | Reset The Mind - Freedom From Unconscious Fear 852Hz (May 2024).