Do not miss the opportunity to smell its fragrance ...

The smell not only allows us to perceive the aromas of food, through it we can feel brought by other people, distinguish whether we can be sexually compatible or not; However, how can it be protected or preserved? The answer is exercise.

According to an investigation published by the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, Regular exercise can reduce the risk of a person's sense of smell disappearing, which usually happens over time.


Do not miss the opportunity to smell its fragrance ...

Not only allows us to perceive the dangers, the smell is able to help us to evoke memories or memories more vivid. However, how can exercise help you protect it?

The study involved nearly 1,600 people between 53 and 97 years of age who had no problem with the sense of smell at the beginning of the study and were followed for up to 10 years.

The researchers tested the participants' ability to detect eight odors, such as chocolate and coffee, three times during the course of the study; They also reported on their exercise habits.

As a result, it was found that exercise protected the sense of smell thanks to the improvement of brain functions and the general state of the body.

The sense of smell or olfactory function may decrease with age, and men are more likely than women to see a decrease in their ability to smell. Therefore, include 30 minutes of exercise in your day to day. Try it!

Video Medicine: My Favorite Perfumes EXPENSIVE and AFFORDABLE! (April 2024).