Cameron Diaz writes nutrition book

The American actress Cameron Diaz , share your secrets of nutrition and lifestyle through a book that provides recipes for healthy food, tips from beauty and fashion.

The objective of this book is to create healthy eating habits that improve the quality of life of women. Cameron Diaz recommends taking care of diet and lead a healthy and relaxed rhythm of life.

Be aware of the nutrition , contributes to improve any aspect of life. The nutrition conscious, consists in feeding on all aspects, as they explain it Dhyan Gulistan and  Nirdosh Eidels in the following video:


GetQoralHealth suggests the following nutritional tips for a healthy lifestyle.

1. Watch your diet: It's not about becoming obsessive and telling calories of each food. Ideally, include in your diet food of each group to meet the daily requirements of nutrients to keep you healthy.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables: They are the healthiest natural foods. They give you vitamins , minerals , fiber , etc., fundamental elements to take care of your health. Include them in your diet and enjoy its benefits.

3. Avoid fats: There are fats that are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, however, they must be consumed in moderation, especially saturated fats.

4. Choose whole grains and good fats: Cereals and lean meats have a small amount of calories that help you take care of your weight. It is important that you take care of the portions so you do not overdo it.

To have a healthy lifestyle you just have to make small changes in your daily habits. Having a good diet not only nourishes the body, but also your spirit. Good luck!

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Video Medicine: [강남1위박코치]국내어학연수실전편_27강_ Cameron Diaz to Write Nutrition Book for Teen Girls (May 2024).