Boost your professional growth

With the arrival of a new year, a cycle in all areas is renewed as an opportunity for the professional growth or personal It is the ideal opportunity to propose new challenges, which can be met when it comes to goals realistically, in which the road to its fulfillment can be detailed well, explains the Dr. Jorge Sandoval, specialist in labor psychology at UNAM.

In that sense, the first step is to ask yourself if you are in the place you want and if what you do gives you satisfaction and opportunities to professional growth . Make an analysis of your career so far and determine what is required to overcome this new year. For this, take into account the following tips.


Boost your professional growth

1. Recognize your successes. In accordance with Katy Piotrosky, author of the book author of "The guide to job growth for cowards" , it is best to recognize your greatest qualities and successes that you had during the past year, that way you will know your strengths and shortcomings, in order to work them.

2. Clarify your doubts . Spend more time to what is important and transcendent. If you have not been able to establish it, talk with your boss, director or superior to know the objectives short and medium term, as well as to know what expectations for your increase they will.

3. Leave behind last year . Learn to get rid of the prejudices, mistakes and misunderstandings that happened in your environment. Poses a better way to approach situations and people to try to have harmony and tranquility in your work .

4. Look to the future. Visualize the way you want to grow during the new year and your new ones achievements , this will allow you to recognize what motivations you need to start with confidence and optimism a new cycle in your work .

5. Find your balance . Make a plan work that allows you to combine your work activities with personal ones. Avoid extremes in both cases, in addition to feeling good personally, as in the workplace, will allow you to be more productive and efficient when doing any task.

6. Improve your relationships . Have good communication with the team work or colleagues makes a huge difference when you meet objectives and goals , according to specialists in the magazine High Level. This can help increase your productivity , development and a new labor panorama.

7. Do not eat all the cake. According to the psychotherapist and labor counselor, Kimberly Moffit having too many tasks can overwhelm you and affect the productivity and efficiency, as well as physical and mental health. You have to learn to say "no" when necessary. That way you will avoid many headaches and be bad with everyone.

Prioritizing professional or work activities is vital to start a new year or cycle very well; however, details, giving yourself the opportunity to relax, take the necessary breaks or vacations and time for yourself is just as important to achieve the professional growth .

Video Medicine: Career Development: How to Fast Track your Career (April 2024).