Bleeding, cause of disability and death

According to figures from the Federation of Hemophilia of the Mexican Republic, there are in the country 4, 688 cases registered with this disease; nevertheless, it is believed that there are around 700 people who do not know that they suffer from it and, consequently, their lives are in danger.

Known as a disease of kings, hemophilia is a genetic disorder of blood clotting. It mainly affects men, but there are cases (1%) of women who develop it, in addition to the fact that the female gender is the carrier of the gene.

The little knowledge about this disease aggravates the problem that patients have to face; in severe cases they usually have frequent bleeding, which can damage their joints to the extent of generating disabilities that limit their chances of economic independence.

This situation is reflected in the fact that only 10% receive the appropriate treatment. In addition, there are only 360 haematologists in the entire country.

The IMSS and ISSSTE serve 60% of the total population with hemophilia, but what the Federation expects is to make the population aware that the early detection of this disease and the application of a treatment in prophylaxis can not only be the difference between the life and death but have a better quality of life.