Gene reveals development of metastasis

The development of metastasis is among the mysteries surrounding cancer; responsible for nine out of 10 deaths related to this disease.

Metastasis is the movement or spread of cancer cells from one organ or tissue to another. These, in general, spread through the blood or lymphatic system. However, it is possible that today, a gene can reveal the process of beginning this evil.

Directed by the specialist Angela Nieto and published by the magazine Cancer Cell , the study discovered the presence of an element called Prrx1, which is part of the "snail" gene, which is carried by tumor cells in motion.

Prrx1 stimulates mobility, but when switched off stops the spread of cancer to other places.

Carried out by the Superior Council of Scientific Research of Spain and the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, The research tries to describe the mechanisms that give rise to metastasis through what is known as: epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

This study offers new hope in the research and future creation of treatments to combat metastasis, which focused on blocking movement when the key may be to turn off the element that causes them to take action.

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Video Medicine: An Answer to Cancer? Using the immune system to fight cancer -- Longwood Seminar (April 2024).