
Do you remember your first time? What was it that made you decide to do it at that moment? Maybe you thought it was the man or woman of your dreams or I wanted to know what it was about, but, believe it or not, your genes influence the loss of virginity .

The researchers of the University of Cambridge They point out that not only social factors such as peer pressure or family values ​​influence the age at which you will have your first sexual experience, but genetics is a key point in this decision.

In the research published in the journal Nature Communications it is explained that some people have a gene called CADM2, responsible for controlling neuronal connections and brain activity, as well as in the physical maturity of childhood .

The genetics researcher at Cambridge and co-author of the study, Felix Day, points out: "The CADM2 is related to a more impulsive, reckless and reckless personality; characteristics that make the person willing to have their first sexual experience at a younger age. "


Even, there are other genes associated with some physical characteristics that also influence the loss of virginity. For example, women who are redheads take longer to experience their first sexual experience. "



It does not matter if genes or social factors influence the loss of virginity , the important thing is that you are sure of your decision.

Remember to use preservative to prevent the spread of any sexually transmitted disease or unwanted pregnancy.


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