Avoid it, damage your brain!

It is recognized as the machine perfect of the human body because it controls various functions of the organism, from thoughts until skills . Its function is so vital that it is convenient to stimulate it, exercise it and stop doing things that damage your brain .


Because of its complexity, it must be treated with great care; do everything possible to maintain a good functioning and it is imperative avoid behaviors what wear out "Suggests José Vargas Manotas, former president of the Colombian Association of Neurology .


Avoid it, damage your brain!

1. Diet poor in fatty acids. When a feeding low of fatty acids rich in Omega 3 , the brain has lower volume, which is equivalent to two years of wear cerebral , confirm Zaldy S. Tan , member of the Easton Center for Alzheimer's Research in Department of Neurology of the University of California at Los Angeles .

Majid Fotuhi, president of the Institute of Neurology for Brain Health and Wellbeing , suggests a diet daily that includes 1,000mg of DHA , substance that increases the flow of blood at brain and decreases the inflammation cerebral. The Omega 3 can be found in foods like fish , Salmon , walnuts , spinach , among others.

2. Spanking the children. Research of the National Biotechnology Research Center and the Yale University , United States, confirm that this type of corrective cause brain damage in the little ones .


The spanking that children receive at least once a month for more than three years causes decrease the Gray matter of the prefrontal cortex, area linked to the depression , addictions Y mental disorders ", sustains the study.

3. Force it when you are sick. The World Health Organization (WHO) affirms that to work or study a lot when one is sick is harmful because it causes the effectiveness Y capacity of the brain decrease long-term.

4. Browse the internet. Have this habit and prolong it until the early morning provoke alterations at dream , which affects the activity cerebral .


Manuel Quin, clinical neurologist at the Autonomous University of Mexico , explains that the hurt comes because it alter the circadian cycle that regulates the time of dream Y vigil . This change repercussions negatively in the concentration and state of cheer up ”.

5. Violence. This response causes the arteries of the brain harden, the harder the capacity mental decreases , ensures WHO .

A study of University of London explains that the violence learned in childhood affects the brain long-term. Before an event violent they were activated suddenly the anterior insula and the cerebral amygdala which generates constant state of alert , emotional stress , cognitive and extreme anxiety .

These are some habits Y behaviors what may seem Harmless , but in the long run they produce effects negative for you brain . ¿Which one of these five you usually have ?