Allergic rhinitis and asthma frequent in infants

Asthma is one of the most frequent diseases in Mexican children, however the allergic rhinitis This is the most frequent chronic respiratory disease in children in Mexico, said Dr. Dino Roberto Pietropaolo, a specialist in Immunology and Pediatric Allergy at the Children's Hospital of Mexico. Mexico Federico Gómez.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the pediatric pulmonologist Mercedes Yencen Valenzuela, explains the factors that develop asthma:

In the latest survey developed by the Children's Hospital of Mexico, between 2001 and 2003, carried out by 10 hospitals in the country, it was found that around 9% of the population , children between 8 and 9 years old, as well as 13 and 14 years old on average showed symptoms asthmatics .

There is a myth in the population where it is believed that having asthma since childhood means that it's chronic and it will last for many years, but the reality is that if it is properly controlled in patients they can have a perfectly normal life. Dr. Pietropaolo mentions that "it is a disease that can present transient frames or it can be chronic, but the latter is a minority in Mexico. "

Miguel Meza , patient with asthma tells us how he lives this condition:

The symptom Most frequent for the identification of asthma in a child are:

-The recurrent

- Respiratory distress

-Sibilance or chest whistle

You must attend for support with a first contact physician to make a general assessment of the infant and if this presents the symptoms mentioned and are recurrent, you may require the help of a specialist doctor.

The specialist doctor tells us that prevention is a complicated issue, but the best prevention is timely treatment and early detection, "if it is prevented in time we can control it so that it does not develop 100% or that it does not complications future "he said.

Video Medicine: Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Cure Dust Allergies (April 2024).