7 foods to reduce anxiety

Enter a nutritional regimen strict, organize your wedding, thunder with your boyfriend, wake up, be under a lot Pressure in family or work situations can generate anxiety, this is a normal emotional response where palpitations, excessive sweating and despair, are presented as responses to the fear, restlessness or worry.

Far from giving a bite to a chocolate cake to soothe this sensation, we suggest consuming healthy food Y nutritious s rich in tryptophan, amino acid needed to produce serotonin in our body, which generates a sensation of wellness and helps reduce episodes of anxiety.

We present 7 foods that will help you reverse it, which in addition to its high content in tryptophan has other advantages for your health.

1.- Nuts. This dried fruit, in addition to containing proteins, has the highest levels of polyphenols, antioxidant more powerful to slow aging according to the scientists of the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania in the United States . Consuming a fist of them will allow you to reduce your hunger and levels of anxiety.

2.- Almonds . Main source of Vitamin E (Alpha tocopherol), in addition to being an effective weapon to prevent cardiovascular diseases Because of its high content of monounsaturated fats, if we incorporate them into a diet to lose weight, it will help us to kill 2 birds with one stone, lose weight and decrease the anxiety of being under a strict diet.

3.- Turkey. In addition to having little fat and low level of cholesterol, This food stimulates the secretion of serotonin, which generates a feeling of well-being. It is believed that it produces sleep, but the psychologist Simon Young, researcher in McGill University in Montreal , Canada, showed that being very low the amounts produced can not sleep a person.

4.- Non-fat yogurt : Made from fermented milk from the action of certain bacteria (Streptococcus termophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus), which transform lactose into lactic acid, help reduce your blood pressure as a study of the American Heart Society

5.- Tofu cheese. Made from soy and low in calories, it is the ideal food to reduce anxiety, as well as the risk of heart attacks, since the United States Food and Drug Administration s recognized that this can be achieved by consuming 25 grams of soy protein per day supported by a balanced diet and exercise.

6.- Pumpkin seeds . This seed so popular in our country, although you can not believe it, also promotes the production of serotonin, it is recommended to eat a small portion but with the least amount of salt possible.

7.- Fish. Fish meat is characterized by its low sodium content, as well as a high fatty acid index Omega 3 that protects the health of your heart; It is also an important source of magnesium, a mineral that helps the function of nervous system, what helps to relax and reduce your levels of anxiety.

These are just some foods that help reduce your levels of anxiety . You can also use the exercise , good habits dream , manual activities and a good organization of your activities.

Video Medicine: 5 Foods To Reduce Anxiety | EAT AWAY Your Stress and Reduce Your Depression (May 2024).