6 tips to lose weight with your diet

A healthy diet is part of a whole program that a person must follow not only to lose weight, but also to have a better lifestyle; However, due to the lack of discipline and conviction, it is important to know some tips to lose weight while you comply with your diet.

Exclusively for GetQoralHealth , Karla Reyes, nutritionist at Sport City , presents some tips to lose weight, motivate you and do not break your food plan and motivate you:

Also, we present some other tips that will help you to follow your diet and achieve healthy weight loss, according to the websites lineaysalud.com and pulevasalud.com

1. Do not skip any food. When you skip a meal you are more likely to be tempted because you have hungry . Be responsible for what you eat. If you know that some foods can generate addiction, avoid eating at all costs or, at least, in excess.

2. Attractive plates. Prepare the dishes in the most attractive way possible. If the portions seem small, present them on a dessert plate; in this way they will seem more abundant.

3. Start your meals with a salad. The high water content and fiber they serve you to more easily satiate your appetite .

4. Exercise vs. stress. When you feel like eat for stress, anxiety or any other feeling, perform a little exercise, this way you substitute endorphins that generate euphoria, satisfaction and reward when eating.

5. Quiet atmosphere. Dedicate enough time to your food; eat sitting and enjoy the taste of your food; He chews properly and takes a short walk after eating. All of the above ensures that we do not have another half hour hungry neither cravings .

6. Measure yourself periodically. Take your measurements every week, for example, to check the volume variation; this will encourage you to continue. You may not have lost weight, but you have sizes. Check that the clothes are staying big. Have at hand those pants that you like so much and do not enter, and take it as a goal.

If you want to give more weight to these tips to lose weight, think often about the joy of seeing your weight and imagine in situations that today avoid because of overweight. Continue with your diet every day, regardless of whether you have had a small excess in any food. Your worst enemy is thinking "tomorrow if you meet your diet".

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Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: 6 tips to healthy eating on a budget (April 2024).