6 habits that damage your hair

Poor diet, the tabacus , the alcohol , the stress and bad habits have a negative impact on the appearance and hair . To have a hair healthy, GetQoralHealth suggest you avoid the following actions.

1. Tobacco addiction: The consumption of tobacco causes the hair It becomes brittle and fragile. The toxic substances of the smoke that is transported through the blood prevents the correct functioning of the hair follicle and, consequently, the formation of new hair .

2. Stress: It contributes to the fall of hair and generates premature appearance of gray hair. In some cases, you may suffer from excess sebum in the scalp until a severe outbreak of dandruff .

3. Tie it wet: Keep the scalp wet for a long time makes them develop mushrooms Y dandruff In addition, the root is weakened and therefore its fall.

4. Iron wet hair: It is one of the worst habits you can have, hair it burns and breaks In the long term it becomes frizzy and difficult to manage.

5. Avoid cutting: The specialists recommend cutting the hair every month and a half to grow healthy. If you let go a long time without cutting it, the tips start to open. In addition, frizz and volume increase.

6. Discolor: It is one of the most aggressive procedures you can do to your hair . If you still want to do it, the best thing is that a professional does it to avoid mistreating it even more.

Having a healthy lifestyle beautifies you inside and out. Avoid these bad habits that besides damaging the Health from your hair , produce aging premature in the skin .

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