Alopecia is generated by hairstyles

The personal arrangement is very important for human beings, and above all, for women, who use all the known techniques to always look beautiful; However, some actions may be unfavorable to your health, such as elaborate hairstyles, which generate hair loss .

In accordance with Elsa Campos Díaz , dermatologist from the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), stretch or straighten hair with some hairstyles (chongos, braids and laces) generates alopecia traumatic or traction.

The specialist explained that this type of disease It happens when women comb and make a chongo, pull the hair, divide it and split at the level of the root.

On the other hand, the dermatologist explained that occasional hair falls can occur through Folliculitis (infection by bacteria), which occurs more frequently in the adult population.

He added that as part of the hair growth process it is normal for up to 100 strands to fall daily. In the phase telogen , the hair falls to allow the exit of the new one, although it is an imperceptible process, since there are thousands of these in different stages of development.

The specialist clarified that the products that are used to fix the hair such as dyes, sprays or other chemical substances, do not represent a risk for hair loss, although in some people it causes irritation in the scalp.

Doctors recommend combing your hair very carefully, to prevent its fall.

Also, in case you detect significant loss of hair, avoid self-medication and go to your doctor to determine if alopecia could be related to any condition; Do not use home remedies or use products that advertise to combat baldness .

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