5 things you must change before turning 30

Some people say that the The woman's body changes after 30, that the metabolism becomes slower and it is more difficult to lose those extra kilos that are gained over time, but do not worry, you just need modify some habits to look sensational , before, during and after this age.

Surely not all have the same experience, some girls know how to take care from very small and have good habits since adolescence but others (like me) leave their parents' house shortly after turning 20 and spend a lot of time trying to find time off during the day to cook and study and work and clean the house and wash clothes ...

If it happened to you like me and you are about to enter your 30 it is time to train good habits and not leave for tomorrow what you need to fix today. These are the 5 habits that, for this moment, you can not stop having.

1. Breakfast

And I'm not talking about a sweet bread at 11 in the morning, but a balanced breakfast, complete and preferably prepared at home. Breakfast is what gives your brain energy after not eating for many hours while you sleep. You also need it to make your stomach start working since you get up. Drop the donut and prepare some eggs.

2. Use sunscreen

Everyday. Seriously, all without fail. Even if you spend all day sitting in the office, sunscreen is not optional. It prevents the aging of the skin and of course the melanoma. If you have not found a sunscreen that works for you right now you can start with SPF makeup and slowly graduate to a special Neutrogena for the face.

3. The list of doctors

This is the check list of all the doctors and specialists you have to visit this year. Add the ones you think are necessary and see everyone as soon as possible. The checks are good to know if there is something that you should change in your lifestyle while you still can.

Separate a percentage of your salary per month to pay for consultations (if it is not covered by your medical expenses insurance) and the possible analyzes requested.


  1. Gynecologist
  2. Ophthalmologist
  3. Dentist
  4. Dermatologist (irregular spots)
  5. Blood tests (cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar)
  6. Nutritionist

4. Stop smoking and lower alcohol

By the end of your 20 years it is very likely that the crudas are hitting you as if you pass over the metrobus. When you start vomiting raw and not "peda" it's time to lower it a bit to your consumption.

It's something that for most of us happens naturally. Nobody wants to feel this bad so often so your friends start looking for new activities. Drink less, or at least stop taking earlier, and stop smoking.

Take the count of how much you spend in packs a year and try not to die of heart attack. That money can help you pay for other things (like rent ... or doctors ... or healthy food). Replace the habit of smoking for something more positive, such as going to the gym or doing yoga. This is the time to quit, do not start a new decade of your life attached to the cigar.

5. Drink water

If you never did it, now is when. Leave the soda, at least during the week, and count your water glasses. The skin is moisturized on the outside and inside, and as it is time to remove makeup every night and always use anti-wrinkle cream is also necessary to moisturize with natural water.

It is one of those things that at this moment may not seem very important, but consider that drinking water helps to avoid stretch marks so if you do not do it for your body today, do it for your body tomorrow.

Video Medicine: 5 Things You MUST Do Before You Turn 30 (May 2024).