5 reasons to consume honey

Honey is one of the richest natural products, not only for its flavor and texture, but also for its nutritional and therapeutic properties.

Honey is mainly made up of sugars (fructose and glucose), but it is also an extraordinary source of minerals and vitamins. Therefore, here we give you five reasons, to make it part of your daily life:

1.- Honey facilitates the digestion and assimilation of other foods.
2.- In children it helps them to better assimilate calcium and magnesium.
3.- It is slightly laxative, so it regulates intestinal functioning.
4.- Improves physical performance, especially that of athletes.
5.- Stimulates the formation of red blood cells, due to the presence of folic acid. In addition, it favors the formation of antibodies, thanks to its high content of magnesium, copper and zinc.