3 healthy tips for national holidays

National holidays are approaching and we will surely have to celebrate, during this time a series of succulent and very Mexican dishes are prepared. In order not to fall into excesses and celebrate in a healthy way, we share the following recommendations.

1. Find the balance: If at night you are going to have an abundant dinner it is important to try to eat in smaller quantity the rest of the day.

2. Limit the amount of alcoholic beverages: If you ingest any alcoholic beverage It is recommended that they be accompanied with mineral water or soft drink without calories . The alcohol provides 7 calories per gram, for example:

-A beer can brings about 147 calories . -A tequila horse brings about 104 calories no refreshment -Two glasses of red wine provide about 144 calories .

3. Moderate fat consumption: During this time of celebration it is likely that the consumption of foods with a high content of fat increases, for a better control of fat consumption and calories it is recommended:

- Eat toast baked or low in fat, as it saves around 3 grams of fat per toast.

-Use moderate cream and cheese. A spoonful of cream is enough to accompany a portion of food, it is recommended to choose the options reduced in fat, since they give you 50% less fat and contain less cholesterol.

-Choose lean meats such as chicken breast, loin or pork leg. It is important to remove the chicken skin and remove excess visible fat from the meats.

Following these simple recommendations, it will be easier to maintain a healthy weight while celebrating and enjoying a variety of foods. For more information visit the Kellogg's Nutrition and Health Institute website www.insk.com

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Video Medicine: How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays (April 2024).