10 things that trigger psychosis

According to a study of King College, United Kingdom , the structure of brains of people psychopaths they are very different from those of a normal individual, because they have less gray matter in the emotional area; However, it is not the only reason for the disease, since there are other things that trigger psychosis like the following:

  1. Tumors cerebral
  2. Abuse of drug and amphetamines
  3. Brain damage
  4. Schizophrenia
  5. Bipolar disorder
  6. Depression severe
  7. Stress severe psychosocial
  8. Disorders of the dream
  9. The genetics
  10. Dementia

The following video explains some characteristics of the brains of psychopaths and how the studios have discovered new things over the years:

To verify that the structure of the brain it influences so that people are psychopaths The investigators scanned the organs of men convicted of murders, rapes and violent acts.

During the analysis, led by Nigel Blackwood , differences were found, which even separated them from other types of violent criminals suffering from antisocial personality disorders.

In the results, it was highlighted that the brains of the psychopaths they had significantly less gray matter in areas of this organ, which help to understand other people's emotions and intentions, and become active when people think about moral behavior.

With these investigations, doctors will be able to give the optimal treatment to people psychopaths , which will be beneficial for the patient and for society. And you, do you know any psychopath?

Video Medicine: Top 10 Worst Symptoms of Schizophrenia (April 2024).